The Blackboard Spotlight: Digital Marketing Specialist Jaunique Sealey


From Microsoft to Sony Pictures, Jaunique Sealey has worked on some of the industry’s most successful campaigns and negotiated groundbreaking deals to pair content with technology’s most emerging platforms.  She played a pivotal role in the social media efforts for Lady Gaga’s historic debut album “Born This Way.”  Now Jaunique Sealey spends a moment with EMGWorld to discuss the basic elements of social media marketing.

EMGWorld: For those who don't know, what would you say is the definition of social media marketing?
Jaunique Sealey: The concept of social media marketing is very broad.  It implies the connectivity between people within platforms.  It implies adding a social layer onto other types of media properties, including blogs.  You facilitate the conversation you want people to have within that social layer.

EMGWorld: As an engineer and attorney what made you want to explore a career in social media and do something different?
JS: I've always considered myself as a BUSINESS person with a law degree.  I wanted to have a broad involvement in certain types of business.  I started out in music and worked in all the business elements of music in the digital space because I wanted to be at the cutting edge of the industry.  Working in social media marketing was the next logical step for me.  It was a natural transition for me to be a part of helping products, brands and people facilitate conversations they want to have around what they're offering. 

EMGWorld: How important is social media to today’s industry as people are now becoming consultants as opposed to your everyday blue collar employee?
JS: It’s just the changing nature of business.  People within that space are seeing a trend shift towards people in the professional sector becoming consultants versus employees.  It’s become a two street where employees are looking to broaden their options and have more of a free-market approach for their services.  Social media becomes important when you are a business of one or in a consulting service.  You have to market yourself more frequently and create a very VISIBLE brand so that you have business flow.

EMGWorld: Within the industry just how critical is social media to the success of someone's brand or business?
JS: Honestly, it depends on the person's budget.  If you have a big budget then social media becomes the icing on the cake and is an added element that will broaden what you're [already] doing.    For those in the independent realm and don't have big budgets, social media becomes the LIFE-LINE for people to still be able to launch a product without having to be discouraged because they don't have a mass market broadcast platform budget.  Depending on where you are and the size of your project social media can mean everything.  It can literally be the difference between being able to launch your project and not.

EMGWorld: What are the best social media platforms for a recording artist?
JS: The first platform should definitely be YouTube.  YouTube is one of the premier platforms.  You can do COVERS to win over some audience.  A lot of people go there for music discovery.   You should have a website and also be on Twitter.  You should also have a presence on facebook and google+.  There are other types of tools out there but you have to figure out how to best position your project for the intended audience.  

EMGWorld: What are the best social media platforms for an actress?
JS: An actress should also be on YouTube.  Whatever your art may be you should be demonstrating it at the highest level.  You can create showcase pieces for yourself and have a place to display them.  You'll need access to a good writer and editor, but it ultimately boils down to your creativity.  The power of video platforms like YouTube and Vimeo is that you're able to put together mini productions with GUARANTEED distribution and not having to spend a massive budget.  

EMGWorld: What would you recommend to newcomers on Twitter looking to build their followers?
JS: First, it depends on the kinds of followers you're looking for and what you want to do with Twitter.  That's the first thing you have to start with.  When you start to think about raw numbers you're going to miss the key benefit to the platform and spin your wheels doing something that won't help you.  You have to start with an OBJECTIVE and STRATEGY in mind.  You have to ask yourself why are you using Twitter?  If you really wanted to increase your followers you could just e-mail all your friends and ask them to follow you, but you should be more concerned about your objectives on Twitter instead of your amount of followers.  

EMGWorld: What’s the best way for someone to increase the visibility of their posts on Facebook?
JS: Facebook has an algorithm called Edge Rank that determines what people see.  Certain things are favored over others, as facebook is looking to have a more visual platform.  I suggest you add a link, video or photo when you post something on facebook.  So if you upload a photo with your posts they'll display it longer. 

EMGWorld: For someone out there who's really trying to push their business and use social media to the highest level what can they take away from your book Piece of the Fame?
JS: The purpose of my book is to help people use social media to work towards something.  I want to help people best direct their efforts.  Readers would understand their objectives and really develop an understanding of how to use social media platforms in context with what their objectives are.  

EMGWorld: Where can viewers find more information on Piece of the Fame?
JS: They can go to, as well as my personal site  I also have a web series I just started on youtube that goes into further depths on topics related to the book.

Jaunique Sealey is the author of Piece of the Fame: Rockstar Social Media Marketing Strategy for Everyone to Ignite Your Business, Career and Personal Brand and is a frequent panel and conference participant.  Ms. Sealey is a graduate of Duke University Pratt School of Engineering and Harvard Law School and maintains licenses to practice law in the states of California and New York.

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